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Day 14–Praise, The KEY to Life Unstuck!

Day 14 – Unstuck Praise

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

Unstuck Truth 14: UnStuck days start with unstuck praise.

We are getting somewhere aren’t we my friend! God wants us to know His promises and to catch His vision for Life Unstuck. He is always doing a new thing. God’s Peace means there is nothing missing, nothing broken in our lives. He wants that for you!

In today’s Chapter–pages 146-153, I shared my funny “Alarm” story but God’s Alarms are quite serious! He wants us to heed the warnings of fear; grumbling and discontent and turn those STUCK places into PRAISE!

Look at some “Praise Intruders” once more:

  • »  Complaints
  • »  Criticism
  • »  Impatience
  • »  Unthankfulness
  • »  Disrespect
  • »  Ignorance of who God is
  • »  Bitterness
  • »  Discouragement
  • »  Discontent

First of all, I want you to remember, carefully, any area of your life where one of these, or maybe one that is not listed here, is stealing your joy.

Are you struggling with pessimism?

Today–Write out the circumstance and then write out WHY you are pessimistic.

Do this as many times as you can with each “Intruder” that applies to your life.

Then I want you to do some research.

Here are some verses (there are a bunch here so look for your intruder!) which directly relate to each “Intruder” that you can apply to your circumstance and take back your PRAISE! So, the next time those pesky “Praise Intruders” show up, look up at least ONE of these verses so your PRAISE can send them back to where they belong!

Discouragement: Psalm 34:17–19; Psalm 147:3; Psalm 55:22; Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 40:31; Isaiah 42:16; Matthew 11:28; Romans 8:28; 1 Corinthians 9:24; 2 Corinthians 4:8-9; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Galatians 6:9; Philippians 4:1–9; 1 Peter 1:6–9

Complaints: Philippians 2:14; Ephesians 4:29; James 5:9; Numbers 11:1–4; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Philippians 4:11–12; Romans 12:2; Romans 15:13; James 1:2–4; Colossians 3:12; Isaiah 43:18–19

page20image20052800Criticism: Matthew 7:1-5; Ecclesiastes 5:2; Proverbs 15:1–2; Proverbs 11:2; Colossians 3:13; Proverbs 13:18; 1 Corinthians 13:1-8; Romans 2:1–4; Proverbs 23:16; Galatians 6:1; Philippians 2:1–11; Galatians 5:13–15

Impatience: James 5:7–8; Colossians 1:11; Isaiah 40:31; Psalm 27:14; Romans 12:12; Galatians 6:9; Romans 8:25; Psalm 37:7–9; Philippians 4:6; James 1:19; 2 Timothy 2:24; Ecclesiastes 7:8; 2 Peter 3:9

Unthankfulness: 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Psalm 107:1; Ephesians 5:20; Colossians 3:15-17; James 1:17; 2 Corinthians 9:15; Psalm 105:1; Psalm 118:1–18; Psalm 30:12; Psalm 100:4; Isaiah 12:4–5; Philemon 1:4

Disrespect: Matthew 7:12; Romans 12:10; 1 Peter 2:17; Philippians 2:3; Exodus 20:12; Romans 13:2; Leviticus 19:32; Titus 2:7; Romans 2:7–16; Romans 13:1–7; Luke 14:10; Hebrews 13:7

Ignorance of who God is: Hebrews 13:8; 1 John 4:8; 2 Peter 3:9; Psalm 30:5; 1 John 1:5; Isaiah 40:28; John 14:6; Psalm 18:30; Philippians 4:7; John 1:1; John 4:24; John 11:26; Psalm 12:6

Bitterness: Ephesians 4:31-32; Matthew 6:14–15; Proverbs 20:22; Hebrews 12:14–15; Proverbs 10:12; Romans 12:17–21; James 1:26; Mark 11:25; James 4:1; Leviticus 19:18; Colossians 3:5–10; Luke 17:3–4

I’d love ot hear whcih verses GET YOU UNSTUCK today!


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