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Day 13–Let’s Talk About PURPOSE!

So, we are on the 13th of our 24 Hours to an UNSTUCK 2019!

Today’s Chapter in the book is – Unstuck Purpose pages 135–145

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13

Unstuck Truth 13: The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

Imagine friend, what might God be calling you to do?

Imagine, what might God be calling you to share?

Imagine, what might God be calling you to experience? What dreams have you placed on hold?

Going back to the beginning of this Chapter, let’s practice thinking what God thinks about you and how He designs us, how He designed you!

What must God have been thinking as He designed and created YOU?

What is He doing in your life right now that may be evolving as a new or growing purpose?

Take some time (your 24 minutes or your hour 🙂 and describe yourself God’s way.

Describe your family and looking back, think a bit about how God saw your life unfolding within your particular family maybe using your “Garden of Personality” and your Freedom Flower timeline, what have you considered to be the UnStuck Purpose God had in mind for you all along? (use my pine straw stage from Chapter 13 as an example)

If you have extra time–go to the Concordance in the back of your Bible and look up each of the 5 Life Purposes I shared in this chapter. Take some time to read some of the verses of scripture listed for each word.

Can you see where God is applying His Purpose in your Present today?

I’d love to hear about it!


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