Contagious Blessings
When was the last time you heard or spoke a BLESSING ??
From what I read, one might lead to another. Getting Blessings, and Giving Blessings.
I am just wrapping up another prayer chair morning with blinking lights by my side. Something about twinkling all over the house just stirs up my heart. (That combined with several cups of strong coffee lightened with dollops of CoffeeMate White Peppermint Creamer.)
I have just completed journaling chapters Chapters 27 and 28 of Genesis and realized something fresh beside (or besides) my tree.
A few days ago as I read Genesis 27, I was heart broken reading the begging words spoken by Esau to his father Isaac as he realized his brother Jacob had stolen his birthright and was now going for the verbal blessing of their father. Not just once but SEVERAL times, Easu actually BEGS his father for his words of blessing.
Genesis 27:34
When Esau heard his fathers words, he burst out with a loud and bitter cry (doesn’t that just grab your heart?) and said to his father “Bless me-me too, my father”.
Genesis 27:36
“Haven’t you reserved any blessing for me?”
Genesis 27:38 (Geeze this heartbreak goes on and on!! BTW–I fully agree with Esau’s confusion here)
“Do you have only one blessing, my father? Bless me too, my father!“ (THAT EXCLAMATION POINT IS ACTUALLY IN MY BIBLE!!!!)Then Esau wept aloud.
I was slap worn out reading that the first time a few days ago. It hasn’t gotten better. I can just picture this grown man begging his Dad for words of affirmation.
Later in Genesis 28, we watch the drama of the blessing continue as Jacob, the blessed one, receives more words of affirmation and blessing from God. Jacob then goes on to thank and bless God!
It’s kind-of contagious—Blessing and Cursing.
That’s the point I want to make this morning. The point I want to KEEP I should say, is this:Â Blessings Matter and even if we didn’t get the ones we needed as children or young adults—Jesus has BLESSINGS for us today!!
We need to get them and we need to give them away.
They are like boomerangs. Especially when it comes to our children. I may or may not not have gotten these in the way I wanted them, or given them in the ways I should have but, Praise God, I still have TODAY!!
So, be blessed TODAY friends. Take hold of the blessings that overflow from God’s Word. Don’t miss the words that come from our ultimate, omnipotent, sovereign, loving, Father.
Be blessed in the present circumstances that God has you in.
If you didn’t get the blessing of your mother or father, take hold of the one Jesus proclaimed in Matthew Chapter 5 and 6 and 7.
He is more than enough!
My Zondervan Study Bible defines Blessing this way: Ultimate Well Being; Distinctive Spiritual Joy of those who share in the Salvation of the Kingdom of God.
That is what Christmas is all about.
How about you? Â What Blessing do you need to hear today?? I would love to send you a God promise! And hey, I’m not too proud..I would love to GET ONE!!
He really is more than enough!
What a great post! I really want to do a word study on ‘blessing’ for I think that we do not really understand the power of a blessing in the life of another. Maybe in 2011 I will take some time to do that.
We are living in a winter wonderland here in N. GA. Temps will be single digit tonight but I do love this time of year.
Stay warm
Oh Leah, I can only imagine how beautiful it is! I tried to work out a North Georgia Christmas but it was not to be. Maybe next year.
Merry Christmas friend and Happy 2011—FULL of Jesus!!
Jesus is my all in all! Thank you, Pat, for being who you are and following the ministry direction the Father has given you. You ARE a blessing to so many!
May God bless you richly as only He can!