The Power of a Pause

The Power of a Pause

Happy Wednesday friend– I know, it is NOT Monday. My intended blogging day. Who does that anyway? Who sets themselves up for ANYTHING on Monday that doesn’t have to happen on Monday? Lucky for me–I am VERY flexible! Lucky for you-you can visit whenever you feel like it, or not…

The Ends of the Earth!

The Ends of the Earth!

I  took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant”. I have chosen you and have not rejected you. Isaiah 41:9 Happy Monday Friend! Oh my–our house is a HOT MESS! We have been packing for the past 2 weeks…

Dusty Old-New Resolutions

Dusty Old-New Resolutions

In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9 Greetings friend. So, here we are on the FINAL Monday in January and already poised to glance with wonder at February. So, I’m wondering– #1—Did you make any New Years Resolutions? Personal? Business? Faith? #2—Have any of them…

The Key To Blessing

The Key To Blessing

I travel a lot! God has blessed my life for the past 5 years with the gift of full time writing and speaking at woman’s events and sanctity of life ministries. There are many things I love about travel and many things I hate/do not love. One thing I do…