Cast your cares on Him…He cares for you!

Today’s word that I want to us to pause over today is kind of different–the word God has dropped into my heart for us today is cast CAST


the definition of caste is to move or send forth by throwing

to get rid of

to throw to the ground as if in wrestling

The scripture that I want us to look at is first Peter 5:7 that says “cast all your anxiety on Him for He loves you”

In my last post, I made a confession to you about a fear that I have-a fear of the darkness. I also told you about my two beautiful great Pyrenees puppies. I called them puppies but they are really a year old now and they weigh about 100 pounds apiece. They are truly awesome and beautiful. Very protective but very loving

1 Peter 57 tells us to cast all your anxieties on him for he cares for us

That word CAST made me think about another recent adventure we had with our great Pyrenees puppies–I hope you will join me on my current Episode to Permission to Pause and hear more but HERE is a little bit of a teaser :))


The potential for anxiety is everywhere, right?!!

Lets pause together right now and cast Anxiety onto Jesus who cares for us

He is able to manage it

He is able to control it

He’s able to settle it

He is able to heal it

He’s able to restore it

He is able to make provision for it—we are able to cast our anxiety on him

Lord Jesus thank you thank you Lord that we can cast our fears on you we can cast our pain on you we can cast our confusion upon you Lord and you care for us you are able to contend with that which contends with us. AMEN!

Thank you friend for joining me in a few minutes of pause as we cast that anxiety out into the Lord who cares for us

Be blessed this week (or this couple of weeks until next time we get together—
