Can you Imagine?
It is Monday morning January 4, 2010. I have imagined this day. I have been thinking about it for weeks, actually months, even years.
I have spent the past 25 years watching God rebuild my  family and working with Him to build a local ministry. In many ways my life, as I know it today, really started 25 years ago. June 9, 1984 was the day I surrendered my life to Christ. He has been the very center of my entire existence since that day. It has been amazing. Not perfect, but amazing. I have experienced the normal highs and lows, successes and failures, victories and defeats that everyone else has. But overall, I would call it AMAZING.
During those 25 years, I have had a dream. God planted it in my heart on that hot summer day in June. For the first time in my life, I began to imagine being a part of something really big! I began to imagine being a dynamic part of a spreading wildfire of passion amongst women in the nation, maybe even the world. A wave of women who reach out and embrace ALL that God has for us in life. All of His goodness, All of His forgiveness, All of His abundance, All of His purpose, All of His Promises—EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!
Up until last year, in my own little way, in my own little community ministry, I have experienced a taste of that wildfire of women. I have seen women rescued, redeemed, restored and revived. Right here in Tampa Bay. But I have always imagined there was more to see. More to be a part of. Then God opened a bigger door for me. With the Lifeway publication of “Surrendering the Secret”, God opened doors to ministry experiences that I had only dreamed of walking through. He gave me a glimpse of what is to come. He took me out into the nation and allowed me to see that wildfire of His Redemptive Healing, His Love, His Glory. He allowed me to pray and share ministry with women all over the country who want to BURN Hot for Christ! Then, He gave me a new dream. It will not be the last. God always has more.
All during the year of 2009, I have been praying, seeking God, listening to God and asking for more. I have journaled. I have studied. I have met with mentors and prayer partners. I have listened some more. God gave me His plan a few months ago. I knew that 2010 would be the year that my next adventure would begin. As much as I have loved doing what I have been doing, I have known in my heart that a new thing was just over the horizon. I have lived in a sense of anticipation for months.
You know what  it is like to IMAGINE something that is coming….
The wedding of a son or daughter, holding your new baby or Grandbaby for the first time, lying on a deck chair on a cruise ship, moving into your new home, seeing someone who is sick as healed and well.
Imagination: The act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality. (Webster)
Sounds a lot like
Faith: The reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen. (Heb 11:1)
So, here I go. “Imagine Me…Redeeemed, Restored, Renewed….Set Free”. What do YOU Imagine for 2010????
Just LOOK at what He’s doing!!! Praise our GREAT BIG God who does more than we could ever ask or IMAGINE!!
I love you, Pat…can’t wait to see where He take you – US – from here!
You, sweet friend, are one of my favorite prayer partners! I can barely
“Imagine” all that God has planned for you and your new journey but I know it is going to be cool!!!
My love,
Hi Pat! I am so excited about this! GOD has BIG plans and it is amazing to see them unfold right before our very eyes! He has put some things upon my heart too and I am looking forward to seeing what He has in store!!
Talk to you soon!!
Hi Pat,
2010 will be amazing for me, as well as the wonderful ladies at Cornerstone in Chandler AZ, who will begin their journey into healing. I’m so looking forward to teaching this bible study, so that other women, will be able to enjoy being forgiven, as I have. I’m also hoping to expand my family! *crosses fingers* 🙂
2009 was a very tough year for me, and I feel so blessed to have been lead to Cornerstone and more importantly to have been guided into take the STS bible study.
What an amazing journey!
Well, it is happening!!! So proud for you and excited for all the women that God will be helping in 2010.
You have been faithfully seeking and following the heart of God. You are one of those ON FIRE women that I have been privileged to pray with. I am still privileged and still praying!!
I Love your name!! I am blessed to have you visit the blog today and can NOT WAIT to come to Az this year. WhooHoo!! God is Good ANF FUN! Who Knew??!!
I love, love, love you!!! You just plain ole bless my socks off! :)!!
Blessings ladies!
This post is an amazing testimony to our God, the vision He gave you and ultimately His timing. So very excited for you AND proud of you! Praising Him for “Imagine Me Set Free” and the lives that will be redeemed, restored, renewed and set free.
I imagine
`Discovering more of a huge God
`Responding to Him through a variety of vehicles some privately some not
`Interupting lies with His truth.
Easy on the imagination cause it could work out in a plethora of ways …. :}
Thank you Karen,
I can’t wait for our face to face time….Imagine what good things that could lead to!
Ohhh Sandra, we think alike!!! Imagine THAT!
Thank you so much for taking time to visit ladies!
Will you be visiting the Phx area? We’d love to have you join us for one of the STS sessions at Cornerstone! The bible study starts 01/20! If not, I’ll def. keep you informed!