Calling All Baltimore Blogging Buddies


I just can’t seem to catch up this week!
Can I get a witness? Is this true for anyone else or just me??
I returned on Sunday morning….pre-dawn–from an amazing time with the Lifeway Women’s Ministry Team speaking at “Fully Loaded” (Greetings new blogging sisters!!) followed by the Living Proof Live Simulcast.
(Can I say that at my age??)
(I guess I can since I just did!)
(I guess really…ONLY my age would say that!)

Anyway, there is a great video of the event posted on the Living Proof Ministries Blog Site.
Here are a few of my quick shots!
Beth is always so fun and so FULL of fresh Word.
This one has got to be worth some money!
I have spent the past 3 days just catching up on life…laundry, dust, emails, meetings, saying Hello to my honey, kids and G’s!
Today, I am writing!
I have a new book/project going on and have TON”s of sticky notes and little sheets of paper that I have written on as God has expanded my vision. I am taking all of that paper today and attempting to makes heads or tails of His big ideas!
In the meantime…I was wondering……

Do I have any BLOG Friends in the Baltimore area???
I will be there next week at the Carenet Conference and would love to meet a Blog Friend if one is around.
Just wondering.
If it is you and you have come for “Sweet Tea”. Please Facebook, Twitter, Email or Blog me!
I am at my computer ALL Day and would love to meet you.

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