Blogger Blackouts

It is said in Blogger World that you have to BLOG at least twice each week if you want to stay connected to your reading and blogging friends. As you can see by the date above, for me it has been over 2 weeks. I guess it wasn’t very clever…

Welcome to Sweet Tea!!

My Dear Husband Mike (aka “honey”) spent 25 years working for the corporate giant Allstate Insurance Company. During his tenure with Allstate one of the many leadership skills that Honey brought home to share with me for use in my (tiny in comparison) ministry, was an exercise that he used…


Pat’s Ministry Sites A Woman’s PlaceImpactSurrendering the SecretSurrendering the Secret Leader’s BlogLife Impact Network Pat’s Books Loved by Choice by Susan Horner and Kelly Fordyce Martindale$18.99, available at AmazonLoved by Coice offers a unique look at adoption. From domestic to internations with perspectives of birthparents, adopted parents, adoptive children, siblings,…

Speaking Information

Upcoming Speaking/Events Calendar: July 31- Aug 2    “She Speaks” Proverbs 31 Ministries August 15, 16     Women of Faith, Tampa August 18     STS Certified Leader Training, Tampa August 27-28, 2009: LifeWay’s Fully Loaded Conference,    Green Bay, WI September 9-12, 2009 Carenet Conference Exhibit/Post Abortion Recovery Panel Baltimore, Maryland September…