Asking Yourself Hard Questions

Todays song.

I’m looking at the woman (or man) in the mirror….I’m asking her to change her ways. lalalala…..

I KNOW!!! What’s the song theme going on on my blog? The truth is, thats whats going on in my head so that is what you get here 🙂

I love music—I’m not a singer but I make and/or listen to music all day. God often uses that constant melody in my mind to speak to me.

I am in a determined season of listening.

I am digging into His Word.

I am praying.

I am seeking counsel (mostly from my AMAZING HONEY!)

I shared a song yesterday about some rough spots I am navigating in my life–mostly ministry related but some personal stuff as well. I need to hear from God. I long for HIS PLAN alone and not my own.

My guess is–YOU GET THAT! My guess is you have some stuff you are trying to understand and navigate also. Am I right?

I have kept a written prayer journal for 29 YEARS! Michael Hyatt just wrote a great post about journaling. I use my journal a bit differently than he does but however you use it, a daily journal is a great discipline to have. God uses HIS written Word to change the world. He will use YOUR written word to change you!




Here is my journal system:

1) I have spiral notebooks that I write in almost daily. I always cover the front using magazines and ads that speak of the particular mood/season/life place I am in.

2) On the left side of the notebook page, I randomly record my specific prayers for the day, week, month so that I can see the “CIRCLES” I am praying and believing God for.

3) On the right side, I date the top of the page and begin my writing with “Good Morning Lord”.

4) I begin to pour my heart out about my hurts, questions, needs, brokenness. Unfortunately, most of my journaling IS talking to God out of my daily struggles. I DO remember to record my praises and thanksgiving and when I am NOT in a struggle of some kind that I need to talk to God about, which is pretty rare, I just record my Bible study of that day making notes about what I discover fresh and new. Sometimes I write speeches and even book chapters as I talk with the Lord through my journal.

Today, I tried something new that was kind of tough to do.

I have a little white box next to my prayer chair with pens and highlighters and sticky tabs for Bible study. Inside that box I have a little note that I look at every day that is a quote I picked up from some book or study. I don’t even remember. It says:

“Lord, show me everything I am afraid of today, show me what outcome I am trying to control”

Oh my. I see it often and glance at the words but today, God had me write the words on the left side of my journal page and start a list.

THAT was painful.

As I wrote out those things that are going on where I feel out of control; rejected; unchosen; unwanted…I saw a pattern that needed attention. A pattern of trying to protect myself and those I love from pain and loss. A pattern of trying to fight my own battles; the battles of my ministry; the battles of my family and friends.

God got a hold of my heart—AGAIN—(Thank you Lord) by leading me to these words in 2 Chronicles 20:15 & 17

15 He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. 

 17 You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.’”

Thank you Lord for using my prayer and journaling time to speak hope and truth into the woman in my mirror today.

I would be honored to hear from you today. I am collecting names for my monthly drawing from COMMENTS and Shares of my Bog! 


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  1. Pat,
    Like you, I too, journal mostly of struggles, brokenness and hurts. But lately I’ve been seek God, looking for answers, to the direction He wants me to go since I’ve left my position at Life Choices Center. I love my journals because it helps me see the LORD faithfulness when I’m in that dark place and someday my children will read and see God’s faithfulness in their lives too.

    1. Tammy,
      Don’t you sometimes wonder how, in our most faith filled imagination, we can begin to fathom that God actually hears the cry of our hearts, ALL OF US!! It is difficult to believe but true. We know it by faith–not by seeing, or our circumstances but by our FAITH!
      I stand with you sister, in knowing, that God has a plan for you and He is working it out RIGHT NOW!!

  2. I love those verses – “do not be discouraged…take up your positions; stand firm”. Those words were for me tonight. Thank you for sharing how He is working in YOU!

    1. Karla,
      I agree, they are words for me right now, this minute. I’m right there with ya!

      Lord, I lift up my cyber/spiritual sister Karla to you right now. I thank you that you go before us. You are in front–you are in back–you are on every side (Ps 139:5)
      You will not let us go. Thank you Jesus!

      Much,much love Karla–HIS and mine!

  3. ‘Show me what outcome I am trying to control.’ Oh, Lord, have mercy. That has my name written in large letters all over it. The Lord and I have been working on my control issues for what seems like decades. I’m making progress, but there is still work to be done. If I can remember that I really have real control over almost nothing, then my stress level decreases and I am able to keep my eyes on Jesus. Insightful post, Pat!

    1. Yep, I reread them today 🙂 and me too–D.E.C.A.D.E.S!!
      Blessings sweet Leah and thank you for taking time to visit AND encourage!!
      Someday, we will sit for coffee, I am certain of it!

  4. Thank you for this Pat. My journalling is not very regular but when I have journalled and then looked back on past seasons, I can so clearly see the hand of God guiding and sometimes rebuking. This post is an encouragement to be more deliberate in journalling and spending time with the Lord. x

    1. Lynn, for me, since I am not an extremely disciplined person, journaling is my “DATE” with the Lord. I meet with him, I whine to Him, I praise Him, I talk with Him and now, I am practicing listening to Him. I do miss days but mostly when I am traveling. When I am at home–Coffee; Prayer Chair; Bible; Journal–that’s the system. God always meets me and always speaks through His Word.
      Let me know how it works!

  5. Thank you for your journaling tips, I know I really have to get serious about journaling as well- I’m going to DO IT TODAY, and thanx for reference to michaels journal too, God Bless xxxx

    1. Michele,
      Ditto what I said to Lynn. PLEASE, come back tomorrow and tell me–what passage of scripture did God use to speak, did you record the day and the message in your journal?

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