An Invitation to your Best Yes!

Dazzling Invitations…


Yippee!!  Breaking the seal of the envelope, anxious to pull out that scrap of fun; It’s the invitation you’ve been anticipating.  YES!!  It’s in your hot little hands now.  It’s official – you’ve been invited and the sputter, somersault and flutter in your heart is an indication that – You. Are. Psyched!!  (OK, so maybe nowadays it would be the click of the mouse & tap of a few keys that delivers the good news in an EMAIL, but you get the idea).

Whether it’s a birthday party, family reunion or Christmas gala, the satisfaction of knowing that a friend, family member or acquaintance has thought enough of YOU to include you in the celebration – it’s a good feeling.  Warm. Sweet. Fulfilling.  It feels good to invest and, in turn, to be the object of investment, in a relationship.

Likewise, it feels crummy to have NOT received that coveted invitation.  Disappointment, distress, and indignation rule the day when realization hits: “such-and-such didn’t invite ME? What did I do wrong? Well, I don’t really care anyway.”

Yeah right!! LOL

We all tend to get bogged down in the undulations of life.  Up and down, jostled by circumstances and relationships BUT – there’s a bucket of hope & happiness that transcends either of those “yes, I got it” or “no, I didn’t get it” scenarios.

Everyday, God invites us!  Forget that, He’s CALLING us to Him!!  He wants us!!  WE are the V.I.P.s at the biggest party, BUT in order to tear open that invitation or click open that email, we need to open ourselves up to the call of that friendship with God.

If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also.  You know the way to where I am going (John 14:3-4).

Yep – we DO know the way.  God does not “give to [us] as the world gives.”  Instead, we’re beckoned everyday, at every moment to the celebration of a lifetime. Just US – the good AND the bad.

The challenge today as we navigate our crazy lives:

Listen for the invitation. Rest your mind. Rest your heart. Have hope.

Speaking of INVITATIONS!! There are just 2 days left before we draw from our August Comments (UNBELIEVABLE!!) and new Newsletter Sign ups! It’s a great time for that as I am writing a newsletter TODAY! (To your RIGHT 🙂

I’m giving away some FREE copies of The Best Yes by my darling friend Lysa!

Love hearing from you and giving stuff away!

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  1. We are all invited in! I know so many people who think that they have to earn that invitation. Like God is some evil king that they have to jump through hoops to get Him to extend His favor. Thankful that He is constantly pursuing us and wanting us.


  2. The Beat Yes. I just started school at Louisiana College. There is so much offered here for students to be involved in. I can’t simply say yes to everything. 🙂

    Have a great day.

    1. Amen Simone! This book is full of great helps with those kinds of challenges! Your name is in the drawing!

  3. I LOVE holiday parties! Oh how do I choose where to go and where to say no?! Maybe I can just go this year and not host one…

  4. The link for comments is not working in the post above, so I am leaving a comment here to be entered into one of those last 2 spots for “The Best Yes” giveaway. I am entering my name, Jenifer Smith – Lutz, FL and another entry for my mom, Becky Smith, Seminole, FL

    Thank you!

  5. The day I opened my invitation & RSVP’ed to accept it, was the day I really comprehended that MY name was written on His hand. Little ole’ me! WOW!
    Just talked to my sister on the phone & she told me that she has a hard time saying “no” – would so love to win the book to send her. I’m waiting for my copy to arrive any day now & can’t wait!

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