A Very Special Note about last weekends Life Unstuck Conference in Memphis!
You might just imagine how incredibly blessed I was to receive this email from an attendee of last weekends Life Unstuck conference in Memphis. I wanted to share it hoping that if YOU know someone who would be interested in hosting such a weekend, you might share this little letter of endorsement with them and send them my way! I would be ever so grateful!
All I can say is Wow – Life Unstuck Freedom Weekend 2016!!
I can not begin to describe to you the feelings I had during this amazing weekend. Let me start off with the venue and hosting itself, maybe that will be easier for me. I always feel right at home at Calvary and am in awe of your level of excellence. Every detail was perfectly choreographed, strategic, and made me feel so special. There never seems to be a lack of forethought in your event planning, down to the most minuet detail. The food was wonderful, the atmosphere was welcoming, and let’s not get started talking about the candy bar! OMG!!!
Now let me begin by letting you know how perfectly timed this conference was. When I got the book in December, I wasn’t planning on really putting much stock in it, but then you all showed the promo video and I was sold. I knew that it was for me. I am like a duck on top of the water…where the cool, calm, and collected version shows on top of the water, but the feet under the water are going 90-to-nothing!
As a minister and counselor, I have always been that way, going full speed, helping everyone else, never saying no, not utilizing positive and effective boundaries to prevent my own burnout, just go go go all of the time. I am always the keynote speaker or the leader, having to play a huge role in conferences – so another conference, in my mind, wasn’t going to be any different.
I decided to read the book to see what this was all about. Pat Layton seemed to have written this book just for me. OMG Mrs. Layton knew my whole life’s story and I was hooked. I read the book in 3 days, now I am not talking reading it to just get through it, I’m talking absorbing it, making highlights, notes in the margin, mental notes, blah, blah, blah.
By the time I had finished reading this book, I knew that there was absolutely no way that I would be able to NOT be at this conference.
Friday’s session was a teaser, like a dangling carrot to come the following day. After Pat’s first session on Saturday morning, as I stepped into the Freedom Flower exercise, and since we weren’t allowed to talk, I made the time all about me. It was like I had to bury the old me, my old ways, my excuses, my go-go-go for a real Christ experience and encounter. I have never cried so much, the ugly crying, too. There was nothing cute about it, but there was a spark of something that came out of it…I got ME back! I haven’t seen ME in a long time.
Just when I thought I was done with all that crying only to come back for the final session to join the others in reading “The Unstuck Manifesto” outloud. Now I am a person who believes every word of God, but when applying it to me, I found it so hard. Having to really believe that my experience throughout this weekend was truly all about me…was what I needed to be unstuck!
(All in all, this Life Unstuck Weekend) helped give me life again, opened my eyes, and allowed me to see things the way that I should have all along–from God’s perspective
I am ever grateful for the opportunity to have been there!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
If you are interested in Hosting a Life Unstuck Woman’s Event or Freedom Weekend, please contact us at patlayton@mac.com for information!