A Change of Seasons

Free Book Giveaway day!

It has been almost a month since my last blog post. Thousands of people must be counting the days! Please forgive me for my absence.

In the meantime–How  do you like my new website look? I have been ready for a new cyber outfit for a while but have been waiting for Michael Hyatt to release his brand new “Get Noticed Theme”. It was worth the wait! I still have lots of work to do and things to learn about it but I think it is a good look for me. What do you think?

I was also quite determined to get the attention of my firstborn son Tim (aka Remodeling Guy) to get me up and running since he is the preemo webmaster in my life! Not to mention cute and looks like his Mom!

Tim kept his part of the deal to get me started but alas, Mom did not 🙁 I have been on the road and in the air for the past few weeks as my Fall speaking season has already begun. Which leads me to my thoughts of the day.

As I have been from Colorado to North Carolina I am smelling some FALL in the air and I am Happy-Happy-Happy! Yep!

Fall always reminds me of a BLOOGY (OK email) line from “You’ve Got Mail”.

[Joe Fox to Kathleen Kelly (Shopgirl) in email] Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms.

After returning home with Fall-itis, I decorated my house this past weekend, in spite of the 90 plus degree weather. It just helps help me pretend that it’s cooler outside.



I am wondering today how many of my blog friends actually live in states that have a real Fall season?

Just for the fun of it, Tell me where you live and how you bring the Fall season into your home and I will drop your name into a drawing for this some great Fall reading!

My BRAND NEW Born to Bloom Bible Study Book #2  You Are Chosen is at the printer. It is a study of 2 John and you can have one hot off the press! This is not a great picture as it is a picture of a picture but you get the idea.



Here is #1 Book You Are No Ordinary Flower a study of Psalm 139. I will even throw in one of those.


So tell me, how does your FALL look?

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  1. I live in SC and try to decorate to make it look like fall. I also like to have the pumpkin spice smell in my home to make it feel like fall. We love to go to the mountains each October though to see what fall really looks like. 😉

    1. Brandy, I do love South Carolina. I grew up in Savannah, a sweet neighbor 🙂
      And yes, I forgot to mention the Fall air fresheners. How could we Southern Girls live without those? My house smells sooo… good! I am using Yankee Candle plugins. YUM!
      Thank you for saying hello from SC!

  2. Hi Pat – I live in Texas and its 95 degrees right now. Fall is my favorite time of year and I get really excited about putting up my Fall things every year despite the hot temperatures. So, here is what I do:
    I put out my Fall flag & wreaths outside. Inside, I sit out scarecrows, velvet pumpkins and candles. I just love making the home feel warm @ cozy even though its really hot outside. And I love to bake too when there is a chill in the air – hopefully soon!

    1. Karla, I LOVE it! I forgot my flag, thanks for the reminder 🙂
      And yes, let’s hope the baking can begin soon!

  3. Wow! I love the new look!
    We live a little south of Atlanta so fall is a wonderful season here.
    I have a front porch and a screened in back porch. We LOVE our swing and rocking chairs in the fall! I am crazy about candles and burn Yankee candles Autumn wreath and decorating my fireplace mantle with mason jars filled with acorns and other fall decorations.
    I get as excited about fall as christmas! Can ya tell?

  4. I love your new look!!! So clean and fresh and inviting. Fall….oh, please come on, fall. As a matter of fact, I saw my first fall color on a tree here in north Georgia just this week. Yes!! So ready for sweater and boot weather.

    1. Oh Leah, I so want to finally meet. It seems each visit has it’s “complications” 🙂
      One of these days–it will happen. ENJOY your splendid weather!

  5. Living in Pennsylvania, we are blessed to have 4 seasons of weather. This morning there was a crisp chill in the air, reminding me that soon our leaves will be turning, sweatshirts will be pulled out of storage and fall scents in the air!

    In addition to the decorating that is done, my favorite way to bring the season fully into my home is by bringing the smells of fall into my home. Just over the weekend, I baked my first batch of pumpkin cookies and boy did the house smell delicious!

    Happy Fall Y’all!

    1. Oh Stephanie, I love Pennsylvania, especially in the Fall :). Can you share your Pumpkin Cookie recipe?? I would love to have it! Maybe they will bring a bit more Fall into my Florida kitchen!

  6. Hi Pat, great new look — simplified and inviting, beautiful. I live in Minnesota (the Twin Cities), land of 10,000 lakes and 4 seasons. We finally cooled down from the 90 degree temps here – I’m so happy about that! Fall is a favorite — I welcome the coolness of the sun-filled days, along with the beautiful color changes of the trees. Fall cleaning. Baking — delicious apple and pumpkin deserts. Time to bring out the spice scented candles, change the table decor by adding fall colors and a centerpiece. I also add a planter of fall-colored flowers to our balcony…my little spot of heaven.

    1. Hi Jodie from “The Land of 10,000 Lakes”! Enjoy the change of leaves reflecting off the glittering waters of Minnesota!
      Share your favorite recipe for a double entry 🙂

  7. I Live in Northeast Mississippi, and there is no sign of “real” fall here either! I like to get in the fall mood by buying fall scents, baking fall treats, and making soups and stews. I also love to tune into Halloween movies with the kids, have bonfires, and make caramel apples. 🙂
    The best thing about fall arriving: It means Christmas is that much closer!

  8. I Live in the southeastermost part Of California, Imperial County – the desert. We have 2 seasons out here…very cold and very hoy. 🙂 I love fall colors and have implemented them in our home vía Tuscan decore. I cant move there so i brought the mediterránean look & feel to the desert.

    1. Hi Hilda,
      The Dessert! I think you have the biggest Fall challenge don’t you–but I love Tuscan decorating. I’ll bet it is beautiful. Thank you for saying Hi all the way from Southern California 🙂

  9. Love the look, Pat!
    Here in Minnesota, we have Fall for sure and I love it! I decorate my house with the rich colors of fall…burgundy, pumpkin orange, gold. I also bake pumpkin donuts as soon as the heat lifts and banana bread! I love to burn candles in the fall scents too…apple cinnamon, pumpkin and more!
    I would love your books! I have one and would give the other to my daughter as she could use it right now in her life!
    Take care Pat!

    1. Hi Margie. Thank you for the sweet words, both about the website and the book. I ma pretty excited to have 2 Born too Bloom books published din one year! Yeah God!
      I am so glad you like yours, blessing to you lady!

  10. Fun in the FALL! Pat, this is Paula Lively from Rockwall, TX, USA. I collect cobalt blue THINGS. Cobalt blue feeds my soul. I think it is the color of the 3rd heaven! Anyway, nothing is more beautiful than my orange fall things and my cobalt blue things. I would get up and take a picture, but I fell this morning while out walking so I have ice packs on the exposed body parts. I had just finished saying OUTLOUD to the Lord, “Thank You that I am not impaired physically…that I can move and be outside watching the sun rise as I praise YOU!!!!!” He must have been smiling, knowing what was getting ready to happen. Bless your day. Paula

    1. I agree Paula! My kitchen is blue and white and I collect cobalt blue as well 🙂 I love orange with those colors.
      So sorry about your Fall but it made me smile to think of your praising past the pain!
      Blessings to you,

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