The Evidence DEMANDS the Detail!
Red Clay Georgia Mountains; gravel covered back road driveways; remnants of white water rafting and creek side picnics; 14 days of car based living; “G” babies trading places–“it’s MY turn to ride with “G” and Pop”; gas station sodas, chips and a billion bottled waters later….
Our recent Family Zoo vacation was pretty much all I had dreamed of, although God ALWAYS does things HIS unexpected way, we definitely encountered the “Zoo” I expected. Our family of 12 had many, many laughs; lots’ of “FIRST” adventures; and planted some great-great memories.
As we drove the long drive home on Wednesday, Honey declared “It’s time to get this car “DETAILED”! In this case he meant: “de·tail”–MAN version—
His words and the mental picture I got of a clean, sweet smelling car made me think about the recent BIG PLAN that has been made for a Fall “Imagine Me….Set Free” Freedom Weekend in Georgia on October 11 and 12th for a few special women!
In this case I’m thinking–of DETAILING……The Girl kind!!
Imagine Me…Set Free is a weekend that is designed for DETAIL.
So—How about YOU? Could YOU use some DETAILING in your personal life??
Try this Quiz out for size.
Do you need to take a fresh look at some things from your PAST that you may or may not have dealt with before… but for whatever reason… God seems to be stirring something up; asking you to re-think or re-look into some OLD STUFF?
Do you wonder what in the world God is doing in the PRESENT? Is life a big mess? Do you wonder why what is happening is happening? Do you wonder what God has in mind for your life? What is your purpose? Do you long to HEAR from God about your present circumstances?
Have you been seeking God about what He has for your FUTURE? Have you recently become and “Empty Nester”? A Single parent? A Widow? Do you feel STUCK and wonder what God wants you to SEE? Hear? Understand about His plans for you?
If you answered YES to ANY or ALL of those things this intimate and private “Freedom Weekend” might be for you.
Pray about it and if God says YES!! Contact me ASAP—We are only taking about 25 “Called” Women!
As for me—-Wash, Scrub, Clean and Shine me up Lord—I’m Ready and Waiting!!!!