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“Surrendering Our Worst: Finding Peace in God’s Whisper”

It is JUNE friend! Oh my!!

If you have followed this blog; received my newsletters (sign up on the homepage here on the website) or listened to my Podcast–Permission to Pause, you know that since the first of the year, I have been totally F.O.C.U.S.E.D. on taking care of our SOULS! (Body, Mind and Spirit) . We started that QUEST (my favorite word) as we moved from Winter (January) to Spring (May)–now, here we are in JUNE! Transitioning again as Summer warms our days and nights.

As we step into the sweet season of summer, I want to start with a confession.

Are you ready?? Here goes—

My life is a constant faith struggle, and everything I coach, teach, and write reflects my own personal journey and FAITH QUEST!

Over the past few months, I’ve been praying for certain areas of my life that have threatened to hold my faith captive. I have battled hard against hopelessness, fear, disappointment, and even loneliness. It’s been a bit heavy at times, but God reminds us in John 16:33 that we will face troubles in this world. Yet, we are called not to fear. We can trust Him. We can know that He has the final say in our lives.

In 2 Corinthians 10:5, God instructs us to take captive our thoughts, replacing our faithless and hopeless thinking with His promises of faith, hope, and trust. To achieve this, we have to KNOW what God says about what we need and where we are struggling. We must PAUSE and dive into the Bible, seeking His promises. We have to choose to believe in Him over the enemy of our soul.

I’ll just bet you can relate to this battle within your own soul.

Perhaps you to have been feeling hopeless, fearful, and sometimes even wondering if God hears or even cares about your situation. Life happens, and these emotions are bound to arise.

Let’s take a pause together today and give God our worst—yep–you heard me correctly! (For an audio version of this message listen to my podcast :))

Lets choose not to play games with God. He knows what is really on our mind and heart anyway.

So today–let’s pause and GIVE GOD OUR WORST!

Lets pour out our humility, sincerity, fears, broken heart, questions, and doubts.

God doesn’t need our “church girl” self. He desires and actually invites–our authentic surrender. He wants our worst!

While numerous verses in the Bible can guide our pause, I encourage you this week, to make YOUR PAUSE VERY personal and specific.

Take a few minutes sometime this week to select a verse or verses that speak to your unique situation.

I have MANY FREE RESOURCES right here on the website under the Permission to Pause link that you can use in your Pause time.

Let’s delve into God’s Word and discover His promises for the areas where we need Him MOST, RIGHT NOW.

Visit here on my website, patlayton.net, for helpful tools, such as the “Permission to Pause” deeper dive, and feel free to download the available free resources.

While you are here–I invite you to sign up for my occasional newsletter. I don’t email every week or even on a strict schedule. By subscribing, you’ll be notified whenever I have something new to share, praying that it will be a blessing to you.

Thank you for your vsist her friend. I take it very seriously and am honored to have you pause, reflect, and embrace this QUEST OF FAITH with me.

Selah, friend.


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