What are you holding on to??
So, we all know that one of the first things that we learned as a child and one of the first things our children learned was the word mine. We know that when were young that we greedily hold onto our toys and our treasures and honestly, do we ever really outgrow our desire to claim what’s ours?
I personally know that I guard my family time, my leisure time, and I sometimes hold my wallet too closely. So, we tend to mark what is ours that sometimes extends our measure of faith.
In the post, we were talking about being reminded of and taking a pulse on our faith level as we transition from one season to another.
Today I want us to pause and think about the word mine.
Think about what we might be holding onto, what we might be gripping so tightly that we do not allow God to do what he wants to do with those things. Even as I write, I’m thinking of very precious things like our family, our children, our grandchildren, things that we’ve been praying for for such a long time and have such a tight grip on.
Let’s remember that faith is about releasing and trusting. Faith is a gift from God. The apostle Paul talks about faith coming to us through hearing the word and learning the word. In fact, Romans 10:17 is our focus scripture and it says, “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God”, so I’d like for us to pause this week over the word mine and think about what we might be holding onto.
What possessions
what people
what time
what desires
might we be holding onto and calling them mine?
Let’s offer it all to God today, shall we?
Lord, thank you so much that you are always at work in our hearts leading us, guiding us, growing us. Lord, show us today as we pause in your presence what we might be having a grip on as if it is mine and not yours. Show us Lord what you would like for us to release as we sit together or stand together or fall close together. In this moment of pause we acknowledge your presence; we receive your love. In Jesus name. Amen.
I invite you to join me on my Podcast Permission to Pause.
I look forward to seeing you here again next time. I used to say “next week” but I kind of tend to throw these out there as God brings me a word or a pause focus.
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PS, Have you read Life Unstuck yet? It’s a life changer, I promise!