1-1-11 A Season of New Beginnings
I don’t have much enthralling to say at 5:30 pm on New Years Day, having been up since very early and on the move every minute.
We have JUST finished 3 Days worth of the LAST Holiday hoorays of the year, Praise His Holy name …but I just HAD to claim the day on my blog!!
I mean, there will never be ANOTHER–1-1-11 🙂
Of course, there will never be another 12-31-10 but that number just doesn’t have the same pizzaz as today’s do you think??
There is just something about fresh starts isn’t there?
I am honestly as excited about the coming year as I can remember being in a long time. It’s not because of anything bad, or even because of anything “particularly” good. I am just grateful. I am grateful for all that God has done, allowed, arranged and prepared. I am grateful for the days that have passed and the days that are ahead. I am grateful for His past 365 days of new mercy mornings and fully expect I will be needing equal time next year. That’s just me. I require heavy doses of mercy.
I am grateful for having my entire family together in my house last night, for the second time since Thanksgiving. I am gratfeul that I now have to go wash a tiny China T Set after having a T-Party in a tent I build outside for my G-babies today.
I am grateful for VERY HOT bubble baths and whatever Lifetime TV movie will send me off to sleep tonight.
I am grateful for life and for the hope of more to come.
I am grateful for the small group of friends who take the time to read the mindless ponderings that end up here on my blog :). Please say hi!!
I am grateful for the new friends that I met last year at retreats and STS training’s and girlfriend getaways.
I am grateful for the old friends who have walked with me through another year.
I am grateful for the new friends coming my way.
My 2011 Prayer For ALL of YOU!
Embrace Your Dreams.
Follow Your Heart.
Cherish Your Life.
God Loves YOU!!
Lastly!!! I am Mailing out my November Book give-a-way (thanks for your patience Rita-I didn’t forget you) at the same time I mail off my December giveaway.
Since I am a day late in drawing a name you have ONE MORE CHANCE TO WIN!!!
Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick, a GREAT book to kick off your New Year!
Just leave a comment below and I will let Jules draw a name tomorrow.
I’m remodeling a bathroom, and, in surfing around, had landed on a site by “Remodeling Guy” I think it was. I thought I was going to something he had written, and found myself here. (Not sure how that happened.) I’ve only read one entry, but I can tell I will spend the rest of my computer time here this evening, and will be checking back in often. I too, love God, and have grandchildren who are so precious to me. I am excited to find your blog even if it was by accident!
I’ve been wanting to read that book! If I win it could save you on shipping 🙂
Happy New Year!
Ellen..I am thrilled to have you visit. “Remodeling Guy” is my darling firstborn son. He built my blog but I don’t think he throws his readers to me :). So glad we had a divine meeting!!
Jenn…after my balancing my Christmas checkbook, that sounds like a great idea :). Maybe I could even give you my USED copy (hehe)
Not much I can add to that post other than a big AMEN!! As I sat a couple of days ago pondering 2010, I found myself with far more good things to ponder than sorrows. For that I am eternally grateful. However, had there been a multiplicity of sorrows, I pray I would have been just as grateful for the faithfulness of God to carry me through them.
Blessings to you, friend.
I’ll take the used one! 🙂
Haven’t “visited” for a while, but find myself able to sit and enjoy my evenings by checking in on some old friends. Love your remodeling guy too!
Thank you so much for having Amy and I over for new years! It was such a great break from everything. You are such a precious woman of God and a fabulous cook! 😉
Blessings and love,
Amanda Lynch