1-1-11 A Season of New Beginnings

I don’t have much enthralling to say at 5:30 pm on New Years Day, having been up since very early and on the move every minute.

We have JUST finished 3 Days worth of the LAST Holiday hoorays of the year, Praise His Holy name …but I just HAD to claim the day on my blog!!

I mean, there will never be ANOTHER–1-1-11 🙂

Of course, there will never be another 12-31-10 but that number just doesn’t have the same pizzaz as today’s do you think??

There is just something about fresh starts isn’t there?

I am honestly as excited about the coming year as I can remember being in a long time. It’s not because of anything bad, or even because of anything “particularly” good. I am just grateful. I am grateful for all that God has done, allowed, arranged and prepared. I am grateful for the days that have passed and the days that are ahead. I am grateful for His past 365 days of new mercy mornings and fully expect I will be needing equal time next year. That’s just me. I require heavy doses of mercy.

I am grateful for having my entire family together in my house last night, for the second time since Thanksgiving. I am gratfeul that I now have to go wash a tiny China T Set after having a T-Party in a tent I build outside for my G-babies today.

I am grateful for VERY HOT bubble baths and whatever Lifetime TV movie will send me off to sleep tonight.

I am grateful for life and for the hope of more to come.

I am grateful for the small group of friends who take the time to read the mindless ponderings that end up here on my blog :). Please say hi!!

I am grateful for the new friends that I met last year at retreats and STS training’s and girlfriend getaways.

I am grateful for the old friends who have walked with me through another year.

I am grateful for the new friends coming my way.

My 2011 Prayer For ALL of YOU!

Embrace Your Dreams.

Follow Your Heart.

Cherish Your Life.

God Loves YOU!!

Lastly!!! I am Mailing out my November Book give-a-way (thanks for your patience Rita-I didn’t forget you) at the same time I mail off my December giveaway.

Since I am a day late in drawing a name you have ONE MORE CHANCE TO WIN!!!

Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick, a GREAT book to kick off your New Year!

Just leave a comment below and I will let Jules draw a name tomorrow.

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  1. I’m remodeling a bathroom, and, in surfing around, had landed on a site by “Remodeling Guy” I think it was. I thought I was going to something he had written, and found myself here. (Not sure how that happened.) I’ve only read one entry, but I can tell I will spend the rest of my computer time here this evening, and will be checking back in often. I too, love God, and have grandchildren who are so precious to me. I am excited to find your blog even if it was by accident!

  2. Ellen..I am thrilled to have you visit. “Remodeling Guy” is my darling firstborn son. He built my blog but I don’t think he throws his readers to me :). So glad we had a divine meeting!!

    Jenn…after my balancing my Christmas checkbook, that sounds like a great idea :). Maybe I could even give you my USED copy (hehe)

  3. Pat,

    Not much I can add to that post other than a big AMEN!! As I sat a couple of days ago pondering 2010, I found myself with far more good things to ponder than sorrows. For that I am eternally grateful. However, had there been a multiplicity of sorrows, I pray I would have been just as grateful for the faithfulness of God to carry me through them.

    Blessings to you, friend.


  4. Haven’t “visited” for a while, but find myself able to sit and enjoy my evenings by checking in on some old friends. Love your remodeling guy too!

  5. Thank you so much for having Amy and I over for new years! It was such a great break from everything. You are such a precious woman of God and a fabulous cook! 😉
    Blessings and love,
    Amanda Lynch

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