Living FREE–Boatload of BOOKS!

Dirty Confession time here–I am in my laundry room typing with one hand while the other hand loads the dryer!

My travels have gotten a little “OUT OF HAND” (cute huh?) leaving barely enough time between events to keep my jeans clean.

Living out of a suitcase has it’s challenges but I have been very blessed to share the ADVENTURE of LIVING FREE from one coast to another with some pretty amazing women.

I just returned last night from the International Christian Retail Show in Orlando and came home with a BOATLOAD of FREE Books in my car!

Some have not even seen the bookstore shelves.

I made a pinkie promise to some amazing Authors like—-

Liz Curtis Higgs

Lysa Terkeurst

Carol Kent

Mary Snyder

Pam Farrel

Gwen Smith

Lynn Austin

AND Christine Cain that I would share their new books with YOU!!!

—so, tell me—-

What kind of books do you like? What’s the last thing you read? What kind of book would you like to win?

Leave me a note and I’ll check back after the next load dries 🙂


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  1. Hi! Can I throw my laundry in there too? 🙂

    I read Christian fiction and non-fiction. I really like to read just about anything, though i won’t normally pick up Amish fiction. I’ve read them before but I like the thrillers better!

  2. LOVE to read…and those are some GREAT authors! Non-fiction & Bible studies are always on my nightstand or in my briefcase…but a NEW Lynn Austin book….!! ABSOLUTELY love having a GOOD fiction book to unwind with. 🙂

  3. I’ve just finished Joel Rosenberg’s 2011 offering entitled ‘The Tehran Initiative’. I love me some good fiction!! Now, I’m reading “The Case for Faith” by Lee Strobel, which is an older book but one I’ve never read. HOnestly, I will read just about anything. I love to read

  4. Carrie,
    Lynn is so precious and excited about her new book. I have read ALL of her stuff and am excited right with her 🙂
    Your in the running girl!

  5. Leah,
    I LOVE Joel Rosenberg but I don’t think I’ve read that. Let me know what you think of it!! I’m thinking something fun and fresh will be good for you!!
    Thank you for being such a sweet friend!

  6. My comment must have disappeared! I mostly read any Christian fiction or non-fiction, excluding Amish fiction. You inspired me last night to do a lad of laundry!

  7. I am currently reading GOSPEL by JD Greear. I like to read books that are encouraging, inspiring, and challenge my faith. I would love to win any of these ladies fantastic books!!

  8. I prefer non-fiction. Loved Bad Girls of the Bible with it’s combo of fiction and non-fiction and would love to read something else by Liz Curtis Higgs.

  9. I love Bible studies! I’m in the middle of ‘Nehemiah’ by Kelly Minter. I’m also reading ‘The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children’ (we have five!) I’ve always got a couple of books going!

  10. Cathy, Courtney and Sonia–Thank you for joining in! Your name is in the basket and I have LOTS of books.
    Ill be drawling and calling next week 🙂
    Many Blessings,

  11. It may be too late to enter, but still want to share this title with you: She Did What She Could by Elisa Morgan. This was a wonderful little book. Very encouraging. Right now I am reading Angie Smith’s book What Women Fear.

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